About Me

My Webdev History

Being a completely self-taught web developer, I enjoy learning most, through pushing boundaries of what code was meant for, versus what I wind up making the code do. I've spent literal days playing with ideas, purely to see if a cool concept I thought of, would work. To much avail, they often do!

Headshot photo of Shane

Having worked on 100+ NDA projects over the last decade, I'm well versed when it comes to discussions around web development. This includes various sectors, from educational websites crafted for children, to modern applications aimed at adult audiences, through to corporate knowledge and discretion.

I strongly believe in delivering users the smallest payloads possible. This has seen me spend countless hours optimizing code and images, along with exploring many performance and testing tools, which allows for even further optimization.

Pixels on a screen fascinate me, so much, that I've come to love people giving me a challenge to put anything, anywhere, using just plain old vanilla HTML and CSS.

I love sharing my knowledge of web development, that just recently, after a university student got marks back from their teacher that they weren't happy with, they asked me for advice on their project and were delighted when I was able to teach them more in a short time, than their teacher had shared with them all semester.

Modern websites have come a long way, especially with the advancements of SVGs and new image compression techniques. Therefore, websites should be delivering users an optimal, lightning fast, and unique fun experience. I love being a part of making that happen!

Contact Me

...And Offer Me A Job :-)